Is someone you care about acting strangely? Are you starting to wonder if perhaps they could have some kind of problem or issue you are unaware of, such as a substance abuse problem? Unfortunately, abusing drugs and alcohol is incredibly common in today's word, and it often leads to addiction. The good news is that treatment centers do exist to help combat substance abuse, ideally before it turns into full-blown addiction or causes a person major harm. The key is to recognize the warning signs of substance abuse so that you can encourage your loved one to get help before it's too late.
Changes In Sleeping Patterns
Often, one of the first signs that tip people off to a substance abuse problem is a change in their loved one's sleeping patterns. This can manifest itself in different ways. You may find that your loved one never seems to sleep or sleeps at odd hours. Or, they may sleep more and more frequently when they're not engaging in substance abuse.
While sleeping changes are not always an indicator of substance abuse, they should cause you to take notice and to consider whether or not your loved one could have a problem with alcohol or drugs. Be particularly vigilant if you have also noticed an increased use of alcohol or medications along with these changes.
Increased Drinking
While drug abuse often occurs in secret, drinking is commonly a social activity. Thus, you may find it easier to notice problems or changes in a person's use of alcohol. If someone seems to drink more than they used to or drinks more than they originally planned to drink and they do so on a regular basis, this could indicate a problem. Increased time spent drinking may also mean that something is amiss.
Changes In Weight Or Appetite
Also be aware of any changes in a person's diet, appetite, or weight. Often, as people fall deeper and deeper into substance abuse, they may neglect their nutritional needs, causing weight loss. Conversely, with drugs or alcohol abuse, weight gain may occur.
Ultimately, these are just a few of many signs of a potential substance abuse disorder. If you notice these or other signs, however, lovingly confront the person you care for and try to get them to be honest about whether or not they have a problem. If you can get them to admit they have a problem, you stand a much better chance of encouraging them to get the help they need and deserve.
For more information about substance abuse treatment or signs of substance abuse, contact a local treatment facility.