One of the most devastating mental health diseases that affects so many people in the United States is depression. Depression is a chronic mental struggle for patients who face this illness every day of their lives. Prevent those feelings of mental despair by allowing ketamine therapy services to remove the devastating symptoms and struggles of this chronic depressive condition from your life.
Understanding Ketamine Therapy Services
The thing about ketamine therapy services that's so arresting is its potential to offer you relief. The therapeutic relief you get gives your body a chance to recover from maddening depression and mental pain. Ketamine therapy services can bring you out of intense, brutal pain and depression. One of the really sad negatives of depression is that patients become suicidal. Ketamine therapy services are said to reduce life-threatening thoughts that promote suicidal feelings. Whereas other treatments given to lull suicidal thoughts take weeks or possibly months to provide you with relief from suicidal thoughts, ketamine can rapidly reduce your suicidal symptoms.
Information About Types Of Ketamine Treatment
There are two main types of ketamine services that physicians reportedly treat their patients with. Racemic ketamine is given intravenously as an infusion into your bloodstream. This treatment involves the use of an R-molecule as well as an S-molecule mirror-image. The other treatment is offered as a nasal spray with only an S-molecule mirror-image. Both treatments are used to treat you if you have major depression symptoms that have not successfully responded to more than one type of treatment-resistant service. Don't hesitate to discuss these two types of ketamine treatments with your physician since ecah of these treatments interacts differently with your brain receptors.
Targeting Your Brain Receptors
Since there is ketamine activity in your brain, NMDA receptors come into play there. Scientists suggest that binding of NMDA receptors increases glutamate, which is a neurotransmitter that lies between the neuron spaces of your brain. So there is quite a bit of receptor activity going on in that brain area, which researchers feel might release other molecular communication. Scientists are of the opinion that there is not enough information gathered yet for them to positively assume that the receptor process will likely affect cognitive and mood thought patterns of patients suffering from depression. As more and more research continues, there will surely be more information emerging about your NMDA receptors and how they work in your brain.
To learn more, contact a resource that offers ketamine therapy.