Autoimmune Disease Management 101: Fighting Back

Health Medical

Key Psychiatric Treatments For PTSD

PTSD can be really difficult to live with. Just when you think things are going well, something happens to remind you of your trauma. Sometimes, it can feel like you are in a downward spiral and like nobody understands what you are struggling with. Luckily, the field of psychiatry has come a long way in terms of developing effective treatments for PTSD. Here are a few

3 Kinds Of Surgery For Your Bunions

Bunions can be very painful to anyone who suffers from them. They can make walking painful and can make it very uncomfortable to wear shoes. Bunions occur at the base of your big toe and happen because your big toe gets pushed into your other toes. It can cause the bones in your toe to actually deform, which can make the whole situation even more painful. If you have

The Importance Of Undergoing Prompt Breast Cancer Treatment

When detected early, breast cancer can have a high survival rate. However, your survival as a patient depends on how quickly you get medical treatment for this illness. Instead of delaying care out of fear or denial, it can be vital for you to seek the medical services needed to ensure your survival. You can benefit significantly from undergoing prompt breast cancer t

The Podiatric Examination For Diagnosing Foot Arthritis

Arthritis causes inflammation of your joints that can lead to joint damage. While there are different types of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and even septic arthritis, which is caused by an infection, they all cause stiffness and pain in the joints. If you develop pain, stiffness, limited mobility, or swelling of your ankles, feet, or toes, m

Benefits Of A Weight Loss Program [And Signs You Need To Join One]

People who are obese should consider joining a weight loss program because losing weight can improve their overall health. Excessive weight gain and obesity are major risk factors for many life-threating conditions, including diabetes and osteoarthritis. Other risks include hypertension, heart disease, sleep apnea, depression, and stroke. Anyone can lose weight if the